"Liber OZ" was one of the many books Crowley wrote. It was only a single page long and is properly known as "Book 77".
It states mankinds basic rights according to Crowley's philosophy of Thelma (a religion/philosophy based on the dictum "Do What Tou Wilt". Basically it's about discovering your True Will, your "calling" or "purpose" in life)
Liber OZ was written to clearly state the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis - a religious/fraternal organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century) plan in words of one syllable and to break it down into five sections:
SAFEGUARD TYRANNICIDE (killing of tyrants)
The book is shown above, while the symbol underneath is Crowley's version of the Unicursal Hexagram, a common symbol of Thelma.
I really like the idea of having chapters in our magazine. Maybe using those five sections as rough themes for each chapter...
Becca x
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